
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay allows investigators to characterize DNA-protein interactions in vivo. ChIP followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) is a powerful tool to identify genome-wide profiles of transcription factors, histone modifications, DNA methylation, and nucleosome positioning. ChIP-seq technology, which can now interrogate the entire human genome at high resolution with only less than one lane of sequencing. Importantly, for the study of primary cells and tissues, epigenetic profiles can be generated using as little as 100 ng of chromatin. Comparing with the array-based ChIP assays, ChIP-Seq offers higher resolution, less noise and greater coverage. 

In a NGS seqeuncing project, it is very common to fall into the situation of being lack of enough materials for sequencing. Samples that are collected for deep study, such as NGS sequencing, are usually precious with very limited amount available. Sometimes, you have enough materials to start with, however, after several rounds of library preparations, you still can not get NGS datasets with desired quality, and now only very few samples are left for further test. It is the time to contact Complete Omics and learn more about our MyGene™-UltimateSens™ NGS technology, a NGS library construction method WITHOUT EXCESSIVE PCR AMPLIFICATION.

Sample types we accept:

1, Purified DNA samples

2, Cell Lysates and Tissue Lysates

3, Biofluids, such as plasma*, serum*, saliva, tear, etc.

4, FFPE slide/ FFPE extract

5, Fossil

6, Customized sample types (please contact us to discuss)

Strategic Partnership with M20 Genomics, Advancing Single-Cell Multi-Omics for Precision Medicine

August 20, 2024 | BALTIMORE –  Complete Omics is thrilled to announce an electrifying partnership with M20 Genomics, a trailblazer in single-cell and spatial transcriptomics! Together, these industry leaders are…

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Exciting News | Valid-NEO® Platform Secures U.S. Patent

May 12, 2024 | BALTIMORE –  Complete Omics is thrilled to announce that our Valid-NEO® platform’s “Method and System for Neoantigen Analysis” has been granted a U.S. patent after a rigorous…

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Complete Omics Inc. Proudly Welcomes Proteomics Luminary Dr. Hui Zhang as Chief Scientific Officer

January 12, 2024 | BALTIMORE –  Complete Omics’ Clinical Proteomics team are thrilled to announce that Dr. Hui Zhang, a distinguished figure in the realm of proteomics, has joined the…

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